
How to add an email signature code to outlook
How to add an email signature code to outlook

how to add an email signature code to outlook

In the example of our demo HTML (at the top) you see that if the employee does not have a LinkedIn address, the Organisation's LinkedIn address is used. The 'ELSE' is optional and can be left out if no alternative situation is necessary. If the field is empty, everything after the 'ELSE' is carried out. If it does, everything after the 'IF' is carried out. In the above example the system tests whether the employee has a value for LinkedIn. Click here to learn how to create translations. In the above example the translation 'Informal' is used from the main folder 'Template' and the sub folder 'Closinglines'. The translations are stored in folders, separated by a '\'. The symbol indicates that a translation will be used. The fullstop as a separator is used to indicate linked data. Each employee is linked to an Organisation and Location, so in the above example the LinkedIn address is used, belonging to the Organisation that is linked to the employee. This option is used when you have several Organisations or Locations and you want to use the default Employee to specify the organisation or location that you want to use. This also enters the value from a datasource field, but in this case it is from a datasource that is linked to another datasource. This enters the value from a datasource field in this case the value of the field FullName in the Employee datasource.

how to add an email signature code to outlook

Below we will describe commonly used parts of the signature. You will need to know the basics of HTML in order to create your signature, we will not go into HTML specifically. Click here to view two short clips on how to change your logo and how to add a temporary line or image to your e-mail signature.

How to add an email signature code to outlook